Inside the Mind of a Musical Doll

The Last Saturday of PBC 2008
December 7, 2008, 1:59 am
Filed under: School News

Yes! The last week of school is coming up!

No! It’s the week of finals and projects 😦

So most of us stayed home studying for finals and had a healthy breakfast consisting of Cheez-its and Crunch and Munch (Yes, a successful form of sarcasm =]) There were 2 yard sales going on this morning: the PBC one and the ACA one. Natalie and I didn’t find much at the PBC one, but we got a ton of stuff at the ACA one:) Later, Hannah and I went to Barnes and Nobles to study and explored the mall shortly after. I got a huge stuffed mickey mouse at the Disney store for my brother’s Christmas present. I can’t wait to see his face when I give it to him.

Pastor Kirkland made reference to my blog yesterday. It was hilarious. Now that we know he reads all our blogs at least once a week, we’re all thinking he should get one =].

Winter formal was awesome. I went with Darrel, he and I are like twins. It was funny because when I was trying to make driving arrangements, I accidentally called Darryl DeRosas instead. You can only imagine the confusion, Ha ha. Pics are on Hannah’s blog.

One down, 7 more to go
October 7, 2008, 7:58 am
Filed under: School News

I took my first midterm today. I think I actually got a hundred on that one 🙂 I’m studying for 2 coming up in 6 hours. The worst is yet to come tomorrow. After that, it should be easy.

I’m doing well on my goals. My room is clean, my keys are still in place, and I haven’t pulled a real all-nighter =). I’m half way through the song and my grades are through the roof! (at least I think =) )

Please pray for ate Hannah. She’s in the hospital again.

My Goals for the Semester Amendments
September 3, 2008, 11:00 pm
Filed under: School News

Amendment #1 To operate the dishwasher without assistance

Seriously, we have a weird dishwasher. It’s like portable and you have to plug it in and attach the nozzle to the sink and all that crazy stuff. And it like evaporates the water when it’s done. It’s weird I tell you. WEIRD!

Amendment #2 To perform and complete an inventory check for the P.B.C. Library

We have a ton of books that are in desperate need of attention (torn pages, disclaimer stickers, wrong location on shelf, etc.) We still have those 200 or so boxes of books that still need to be catalogued, but I don’t expect those to be done the 4 years I plan on working there. I’ve also made a list of some books that I would like in the Library, including all the sought after books on the book report list for the PY, LM, and HI classes. 

Amendment #3 To know the location of my keys at all times

Enough said

School So Far
August 20, 2008, 10:19 pm
Filed under: School News

Here’s a list of all my goals this semester

  1. To keep my room spotlessly clean
  2. To not pull any all-nighters just to do homework
  3. To play through the entire 3rd movement of Concerto in D Major (It doesn’t have to be perfect. I just want to play through it once)
  4. To bring up my GPA to 3.90 somehow (without cheating)
  5. To blog at least once a week
  6. To deal with drama gracefully and still keep my sanity =)

I know I can’t do any of this with out the Lord’s help. Please keep me in your prayers