Inside the Mind of a Musical Doll

I may be American but I’m still Filipino!

I’ve been in the U.S for like 13 years of my life (Maybe more, I don’t exactly remember). I speak perfectly good english, I eat with a spoon and fork, and I even dress American. I thought I was 100% American enough…until I came to college. Yes, everyone here in college thinks I’m VERY filipino. I wrote this for all the fil-ams out there feeling the same way or just looking for a good laugh 🙂

I still call people Ate or Kuya, Nanay or Tatay, etc…

I drive an Asian car. I thought that since it was made in the states that it would be American enough.

The fact that I just said “the states”

I called my chinelas slippers. I learned that Americans call them flip-flops and slippers are a totally different thing. *still bitter at Jeff 🙂 jk of course*

I slurp my soup, coffee, and tea because it’s hot and I don’t want to burn my tongue. Despite my valid reasoning, some still thinks it’s wierd.

I eat with a spoon, not just for soup.

I’ve had to refrain myself from using taglish on many occasions. It’s tough because there are some words that are just so hard to translate on the spot like kilig and bagay.

Hannah once told me I was deprived because I didn’t know what strogenoff was. I replied “Well you’ve never had an aborted duck so you’re deprived!”

I’ve never heard of terms such as “hitched,” “hoggie,” or “redneck” until I came to college. I don’t think I even spelled some right. I don’t think those words are even in the dictionary!

No matter how hard I try, I still can’t live without rice…Sure I can go for weeks without seeing it and be fine, but once I see it again, it’s rice or starvation.

The fact that I’m brown with black hair. Living in San Diego, I didn’t really take notice. When I came to college, it took me a while, but I noticed. I didn’t look too good in those amish pictures 🙂

5 Comments so far
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i didn’t see the amish pictures… am i lucky? 🙂 jk. I’m sure you looked cute anyway…. at least to me… is this embarrassing enough yet? 😉 ttyl

Comment by andscyjc

lol. At least you don’t point with your lips! At least, not that I ever noticed. 🙂

Comment by jenmarie

haha, that and much more!! lol, but we love you anyway!! lol

Yepp, I think even people who don’t know you can agree that you are VERY Filipino!!! 😉

Comment by makenai

Hi, Jireh, it’s Kuya Jay! What a great list! You filipinos are so funny. I’ll have to put up some filipino funnies on my blog. Check it out when you get the chance. Have a great break!

Comment by jaynepomuceno

lol Cute. I enjoyed reading this.

Comment by Becka

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